High Strength Friction Grip Bolts (HSFG) (Hochfeste Reibspaltbolzen (HSFG)) use friction to hold things in place. An HSFG maintains the weight by clamping the plates securely together that they cannot slip past each other, in contrast to a typical bolt, which prevents plates in a contact from moving separately by sustaining the weight on the bolt shank in the shape of shear stress. In other words, the force exerted on the plate by the weight of the beam it supports equals the friction created between the plates. The bolt is precisely preloaded by our expert team to ensure that the plates do not slide past one another. When using HSFG bolts (HSFG-Schrauben), we always make sure the region around the bolt is clean and unpainted. HSFG bolts are frequently utilised in structures that will be subjected to heavy vibrations or reversible loads. Preloaded bolts have less fluctuating tension than ordinary bolts, which means they wear out less quickly. Additionally, they will stop any slip between the plates, ensuring that the fastener would not lose its grip.